The c-section was planned for 3:30 pm, but they had an emergency so we got put on hold for about an hour. I went into the operating room around 4:45 for the spinal. That was the scariest part since Josh couldn't be in there with me. It didn't go in very smoothly and I ended up having pain in my right leg - I thought for sure I wasn't going to be able to walk again - being over dramatic. They pulled it out and tried again. This time it went in better and before I knew it I couldn't feel anything from the boobs down and my hubby was by my side. It didn't take long to get the babies out, Aidan was born at 5:11 pm and Brody at 5:12. I was able to see them both before they wheeled them and Josh off to the NICU. The scariest part was yet to come. The doctors kept saying that my blood pressure was going down and I was losing a lot of blood. It was pretty scary because I was in there by myself, but I was glad Josh was there with the babies. A day later Lynn (midwife who assisted with the c-section) told me they would have had to do an emergency c-section anyways, if this made me feel any better. She knew I really wanted a natural birth.
After I got into my room all the proud grandparents were waiting. Brody came into our room hungry about an hour later and at 9:00 that night I was able to finally get wheeled into the NICU to see Aidan. He ended up staying in there until Wednesday afternoon on an IV, oxygen and C-Pap. I wish he was in my room from the start, but I was thrilled for him to get out as soon as he did.
Seeing Aidan for the first time!
The Grandma's checking out Brody.
The Proud Dads!!
Brody with his Godfather Jordan.
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