Thursday, February 28, 2008
Update - 33 weeks, 2 days
Well, it seems like these babies might be more ready to meet everyone than we are hoping. I went in to meet with Lynn, our midwife, yesterday with lots of questions to ask her particularly about our upcoming traveling plans for basketball. First I did the norm...peed in a cup, got weighed (no I am not sharing), listened to the heartbeats and all was great. Lynn asked me about traveling and I told her I would be going to Whitewater tonight and possibly Eau Claire on Saturday. With the NCAA's next weekend its a good possibility that we could have to go out of the state, but that's thinking way ahead of the game. So she thought she was okay with in-state travel, but said no to anything out-of-state. No big deal...I can try to handle that. Well, she decides to do an internal check of the cervix and that's where the bad news comes. My cervix has thinned out considerably in the last two weeks and I am now 2 cm dialated. So with that came the no travel - I'm terribly upset about this and not sure how I will handle being away from the team. I had to go over to L&D to get a steroid shot for the babies' lung development in case they come early and they told me if the cramping continued I should come it to get hooked up to the monitors. We scheduled an appointment for my steroid shot today and I was out.
Well, I got home and realized that I was bleeding and may have lost my mucous plug - still not sure. We went back in this morning and had another shot and got hooked up to the monitors. The babies both still looked great and there was a little uterus irritability, but nothing they were too concerned about. I got Lynn came over to check me again and said we're still at the same, but that Baby A's head is "right there", so hopefully the little bugger will move up out of the pelvis again to relieve some pressure.
I'll try to keep this updated and hopefully these babies can make it to 35 weeks. Keep us in your thoughts! I hope all is well with everyone else! And GO POINTERS!!!
Friday, February 22, 2008
A Few Professional Pics

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Think Pink Night
A close up of the sweet uniforms!
The Coaching Staff

The breast cancer surviors we honored
Happy team after a HUGE win!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
My Little Peanuts

Kudos to a Great Husband!
My new tiled vanity area. Much more useful for us now. You can see some of the trim work.
An old picture (after we painted the first time). of the north wall in our bedroom. Note the doorway (no door) to the nursery is way too the right in front of the old closet that was there.
A new shot of the north wall.
And a picture of the entrance to heaven - my new walk-in closet. Finally we got rid of all that dead space in front of the old closet because of the big cement beam.
Week #30 Update
Look at all this great stuff we got at our two showers!
After cleaning/nesting we finally moved the rocker into the nursery.
Belly Shot - Week #30, Day 6 - Look at those babies grow!
And a full frontal. "You can't see the lines, can you Russ?"
Okay, you probably can, but don't tell!
P.S. - For those wondering - check out the nasty, brown belly button piercing scar. YUCK!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Week #29 Update
The week didn't bring too much excitement until my appointment with the midwife on Thursday. Lynn said that every thing was looking good and both babies are doing great. The heartbeat for baby A is in the 140's and baby B is in the 130's. Unfortunately, baby A (the presenting baby) is breech right now and baby B is vertex. We're really hoping that baby A will move head down, but space in there is really getting limited. Keep praying for us that we can get both babies head down and avoid a c-section if at all possible. We also found out at our appointment that the doctors will not let me get past 38 weeks, so if I make it to April 1st they will induce or we will have a c-section. If I make it that far, we're definitely waiting until the 2nd to avoid having April Fools babies. I've also been reduced to half-time at work. I get to work from home for part of the day and then go in, so I'm really thankful that I haven't had to take any time off yet so we can save it all for when the bundles of joy get here.
On Saturday I had an amazing shower at Wendy's in Mt. Horeb (thrown by Heidi and Wendy), with high school friends, mom's and family. It was really nice! Everyone was so generous again - thank you to everyone who came. I wish I would've taken a picture of me sitting next to the diapers - we got over 1,000 - it was awesome!!! I know we'll go through plenty more, but I am so thankful for the help getting started. Josh and I continually talk about how good everyone has been to us, as we would not be able to do this without your help. Hopefully I will get some pictures from the shower soon so I can post them. THANKS AGAIN everyone!
We got our maternity pics taken yesterday, and I hope a few of them turn out anyway. Shannon is so creative, so I am sure they will. I would think that with her help she can make me look okay! I'll be sure to post a few of the good ones when she gets done editing the ugly scars off my belly (stupid belly button ring). Since we got our pictures taken, I didn't do a belly pic this week, but surely will for week 30.
I hope all is well with everyone! Thanks for reading!