Here's picture #1...all forehead for Aidan as you can see and Brody likes to wear his to the side!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Lil' Bucks
Well, daddy wasn't successful in getting a deer on opening weekend, but the boys are already hoping to become future hunting buddies of his. Grandma Kathy bought them some cute baseball caps and brought them up on Saturday. One of my players (Britta P.) gave the boys the outfits they have on at my baby shower. They are so adorable, so I wanted to take some pictures of them for her yesterday. Poor Aidan's head is a little big for the leaves marks on his head, so we just kept it on for the pics. I can't get over how animated they have become. Every day brings something new. They're making it very difficult for me to go to work lately!!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
What? We've got not 2, but 4!!!
No, not four babies...teeth...and they all belong to Brody! Okay, so I was hoping that my post title would catch some attention because not only have I been a terrible blogger, I have also been terrible on keeping up with all my friends blogs. Work has been keeping me super busy, but I hope to try to make more time for this because it really does allow me to "unwind".
I've been meaning to post since the boys 8-month birthday on Monday, but I just couldn't find the time. We are in the process of trying to sleep train the boys. We know that it takes time, but thought maybe if we slept downstairs we wouldn't hear them as easily through the monitor as we can with them sleep in the room connected to ours.
We slept downstairs on the living room floor on Wednesday night. I had every intention of writing this post then, but I was so tired. We shut off the t.v. at 9:15 PM and went to bed. I heard Brody fussing through the monitor. The deal was, we would set the kitchen timer for 10 minutes and turn off the monitor if he was crying we would then go try to soothe him. The timer went off and he was still "fussing" but not crying. I decided to wait it out a little more, but a few minutes later he was crying. I went up to try to pat his chest and soothe him, but it wasn't working. I could tell he was hungry and I was okay with that. I went to make a bottle and on my way to the kitchen I seen that it was wonder he was hungry. It was such a great night. They had both done it and just in time for my season to start.
I was hoping for a repeat performance last night since I was into work by 8:15 and went recruiting and didn't get home until midnight. No such luck last night...I was up more than once trying to calm Brody and they both had 2 ounces around 1:30. I got very little sleep and was up early this morning because we had a staff meeting (we won't even go into that topic). Today was another long day, but the Pointers won and that is a great feeling. 1-0 baby! Looking forward to game #2 tomorrow and hoping the boys STTN tonight since daddy's gone hunting.
Enough about boys are 8 months old. I cannot believe that in four short months they will be celebrating their first birthday. Where in the heck does the time go? I think that is the only thing that crosses my mind each month that passes by. They are growing so fast, and doing new things each day.
Here's the progression of pictures trying to show that the boys can sit up on their own you can see it didn't really work.

Aidan - He is so close to crawling that mommy keeps praying every night that he'll stay put a little longer because one thing I imagine being tougher than taking care of multiples is chasing after multiples. He gets up on his knees and rocks back and forth pushing that little tushy out. Even though he can't quite crawl, he's pretty mobile getting around on the floor by rolling over and doing circles on his tummy. He doesn't even have a nub for a tooth, so I'm not sure when that will start, but that can wait too. He is a good little sleeper although, still not STTN. When we put him down in his crib though he grabs his blankie, rolls to his side, and he's so content. It doesn't matter if Brody is wailing or not. He still loves playing with the dog and is a little wobbley when trying to sit up on his own. He's not a picky eater at all and any time he "thinks" you may be feeding him he opens his mouth, and he's trying to learn how to put puffs in his mouth and begs for someone else to put them for him. Josh teases him that he always makes this face like their terrible, but as soon as it's gone he opens up for another one.
Brody - He's had a big few weeks. Tooth #3 poked through on Thursday, Nov. 6th. On Saturday, November 8th he rolled over (back-t0-tummy) for the first time and also sat up for an extended period of time. Tooth #4 poked through just over a week later on Nov. 14th and anytime you want to see them...he's sure to be tight-lipped. Brody is a little pickier when it comes to eating unlike the garbage disposal we call his older brother. He's still very sober looking most of the time, but loves to giggle when he gets tired. He's a big Atlas fan and loves to "pet" him. I'm not sure Atlas considers it a "pet". Brody loves to rock...back and forth, back and forth. It doesn't matter if he's sitting, in his exersaucer or jumperoo, or if someone is helping him stand. It's so rhythemic that it almost puts you in a trance. He has a little bit harder time going down at night, but has improved so much in the last few weeks. He'll cry for a few minutes and then start to rub his blanket to put himself to sleep.
Here is Brody's "MAD" face because I haven't been blogging...

We slept downstairs on the living room floor on Wednesday night. I had every intention of writing this post then, but I was so tired. We shut off the t.v. at 9:15 PM and went to bed. I heard Brody fussing through the monitor. The deal was, we would set the kitchen timer for 10 minutes and turn off the monitor if he was crying we would then go try to soothe him. The timer went off and he was still "fussing" but not crying. I decided to wait it out a little more, but a few minutes later he was crying. I went up to try to pat his chest and soothe him, but it wasn't working. I could tell he was hungry and I was okay with that. I went to make a bottle and on my way to the kitchen I seen that it was wonder he was hungry. It was such a great night. They had both done it and just in time for my season to start.
I was hoping for a repeat performance last night since I was into work by 8:15 and went recruiting and didn't get home until midnight. No such luck last night...I was up more than once trying to calm Brody and they both had 2 ounces around 1:30. I got very little sleep and was up early this morning because we had a staff meeting (we won't even go into that topic). Today was another long day, but the Pointers won and that is a great feeling. 1-0 baby! Looking forward to game #2 tomorrow and hoping the boys STTN tonight since daddy's gone hunting.
Enough about boys are 8 months old. I cannot believe that in four short months they will be celebrating their first birthday. Where in the heck does the time go? I think that is the only thing that crosses my mind each month that passes by. They are growing so fast, and doing new things each day.
Here's the progression of pictures trying to show that the boys can sit up on their own you can see it didn't really work.
Aidan's happy to be in on this close up...

Aidan - He is so close to crawling that mommy keeps praying every night that he'll stay put a little longer because one thing I imagine being tougher than taking care of multiples is chasing after multiples. He gets up on his knees and rocks back and forth pushing that little tushy out. Even though he can't quite crawl, he's pretty mobile getting around on the floor by rolling over and doing circles on his tummy. He doesn't even have a nub for a tooth, so I'm not sure when that will start, but that can wait too. He is a good little sleeper although, still not STTN. When we put him down in his crib though he grabs his blankie, rolls to his side, and he's so content. It doesn't matter if Brody is wailing or not. He still loves playing with the dog and is a little wobbley when trying to sit up on his own. He's not a picky eater at all and any time he "thinks" you may be feeding him he opens his mouth, and he's trying to learn how to put puffs in his mouth and begs for someone else to put them for him. Josh teases him that he always makes this face like their terrible, but as soon as it's gone he opens up for another one.
Jumping and looking as usual...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
We hope Santa can find us this Christmas!!
Aidan and Brody are so glad that this will be their last holiday season with so much traveling. They keep telling us they hope Santa will be able to find them. With all that Camo they've been wearing, who knows? Anyways, this post is for the's our Christmas list. Aidan and Brody keep telling us all they really want for Christmas is new car seats to keep them safe because that is all they need...they have all the love any two little boys could ask for!!
Can you see us Santa???
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Two Ounces...Are You Serious?
Not too much is new here. Aidan and Brody are still struggling to get over that nasty cough, but still seem as happy as can be. This is pretty surprising to Josh and I seeing as though it looks like Brody has another two teeth coming in. The top right one looks like it's almost through.
We had a nice weekend. Saturday the boys went with daddy to work, while I went to practice. Saturday afternoon I made baby food and Uncle Levi came over to help rake some leaves. Sunday morning we cleaned, made more baby food and all four grandparents came for the day. It was so nice to see all of them again...can't wait until we live much closer.
I do have a funny story to share from the weekend. Josh and I decided that it was time to start making our baby food since we fly through it and it's like $1 for a pack of Gerber food. The only veggies the boys really like are squash and sweet potatoes...they LOVE them both. We tried fresh avocado...not big fans. They're getting better with peas and green beans, but it took a while. I baked up some sweet potatoes Sunday morning and were mashing them up when it was lunch time. I gave Josh a small bowl to feed the boys, figuring it wouldn't be enough. Boy was I wrong. I think Aidan was trying to puke himself. He was literally gagging and then would take his fingers and scrap it off his tongue. To top it off, when I turned and asked what the difference was between mommy's sweet potatoes and Gerber's was, he just shook his head NO like crazy. Too funny! Brody didn't seem to mind them though, and the apples and peaches combo was a hit.
Now I love our boys so much - we are so lucky. I mean they are just too cute and we honestly know how blessed we are to have two, healthy beautiful boys...with that being said, let's talk about sleepy time. We understand you haven't been feeling the best and you're getting some new teeth. I know we just had daylight savings time and we've only been on our newly found schedule for about 6 days, but throw your mama and papa a bone here. Last night Brody woke up at 2:30 AM (bedtime is 8:00 PM) to drink 2 oz...daddy took this shift. Aidan woke up at 4:08 AM...cue mommy...he also drank only 2 oz. and I was walking back to bed 4 minutes later. Yes, 4 minutes...I should be thankful that it wasn't 4 hours, are so close boys. It's hard for us to fall back to sleep after getting up. I know you're dying to STTN together...consistently. You can't really need those 2 ounces. Mommy hasn't slept through the night consistently in a very long time...I cannot even remember those days...most likely in my first trimester when the sleepiness symptom hit me like a mack truck. My guess is that the next time they'll do it is on Wednesday night when daddy is home alone with them, and I hope for him it is!
Anyways, enough of on to the reason why we cannot even be least bit upset with them for keeping us up at night...they are so precious. I can't get enough pictures of these's a few from the weekend. They're really into what daddy calls "motor-boating" their lips right now, and decided to do it at supper on Sunday night. Silly boys!
We had a nice weekend. Saturday the boys went with daddy to work, while I went to practice. Saturday afternoon I made baby food and Uncle Levi came over to help rake some leaves. Sunday morning we cleaned, made more baby food and all four grandparents came for the day. It was so nice to see all of them again...can't wait until we live much closer.
I do have a funny story to share from the weekend. Josh and I decided that it was time to start making our baby food since we fly through it and it's like $1 for a pack of Gerber food. The only veggies the boys really like are squash and sweet potatoes...they LOVE them both. We tried fresh avocado...not big fans. They're getting better with peas and green beans, but it took a while. I baked up some sweet potatoes Sunday morning and were mashing them up when it was lunch time. I gave Josh a small bowl to feed the boys, figuring it wouldn't be enough. Boy was I wrong. I think Aidan was trying to puke himself. He was literally gagging and then would take his fingers and scrap it off his tongue. To top it off, when I turned and asked what the difference was between mommy's sweet potatoes and Gerber's was, he just shook his head NO like crazy. Too funny! Brody didn't seem to mind them though, and the apples and peaches combo was a hit.
Now I love our boys so much - we are so lucky. I mean they are just too cute and we honestly know how blessed we are to have two, healthy beautiful boys...with that being said, let's talk about sleepy time. We understand you haven't been feeling the best and you're getting some new teeth. I know we just had daylight savings time and we've only been on our newly found schedule for about 6 days, but throw your mama and papa a bone here. Last night Brody woke up at 2:30 AM (bedtime is 8:00 PM) to drink 2 oz...daddy took this shift. Aidan woke up at 4:08 AM...cue mommy...he also drank only 2 oz. and I was walking back to bed 4 minutes later. Yes, 4 minutes...I should be thankful that it wasn't 4 hours, are so close boys. It's hard for us to fall back to sleep after getting up. I know you're dying to STTN together...consistently. You can't really need those 2 ounces. Mommy hasn't slept through the night consistently in a very long time...I cannot even remember those days...most likely in my first trimester when the sleepiness symptom hit me like a mack truck. My guess is that the next time they'll do it is on Wednesday night when daddy is home alone with them, and I hope for him it is!
Anyways, enough of on to the reason why we cannot even be least bit upset with them for keeping us up at night...they are so precious. I can't get enough pictures of these's a few from the weekend. They're really into what daddy calls "motor-boating" their lips right now, and decided to do it at supper on Sunday night. Silly boys!
I'm not sure if I like peas...
I think there is something more in here...I feel a little sleepy...or that flash is too bright! Aidan in trouble?
This look says it all!
Brody waving to everyone out there...he claps now too...learned that at the Hall of Fame banquet we think.
Mommy and her Packer fans...well, Favre fans too, but no Jets gear yet...
Daddy and his boys!
A little role reversal for you...Aidan being serious and Brody with the big smile...
But, it looks like Aidan couldn't hold it in. And despite my whining about sleep, in case you were wondering, twins do rock!!!
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