So, yes we are busy getting ready for the big move. Josh and I have been able to pack up almost the whole downstairs today and rented the U-Haul truck for Tuesday. We hope to leave town early Wednesday and be unloaded by Thursday with just a few days to unpack and get settled. Then it's back to SP for one week for Josh and the boys before they leave their lonely mommy here.
As most of you know, the big birthday is right around the corner. Unfortunately, due to our traveling for the NCAAs we had to postpone the boys birthday party until April. We will have a small party with good food and great cake for the boys on Tuesday and celebrate with more family and friends when things die down a little bit and everyone can come see the new place.
An update on the cuties...well Brody took 4 steps today before falling. Josh and I both witnessed it in amazement. It's not going to be long now. He also now will stop WHATEVER he is doing (even crying) to give you the cheesiest smile for the camera (proof below). Little Aidan has 4 teeth through with 5 & 6 almost through. They are so much fun right now and I love spending time just watching them. They play a came of hide 'n seek daily. They like to copy what each other is doing and then giggle uncontrollably about it. Brody has been saying "uh-oh" quite a bit, which is pretty funny too.
Anyways, wish us luck these next few weeks as we transition two 1 year olds to a new home, new babysitter, new routine and a mommy away from her babies. It may be a rough transition, but one that will be worth it the long haul.
Aidan checking out his toys, but...
He thinks that boxes are more fun...

Playing with the boxes as we pack them up...note the cheesy grin from Brody... And in case you needed more proof, here's a few more...
i am so sorry to hear that you lost. i was totally bummed that we weren't able to make it either, but we got to keep up with the end of the game online. i cannot believe the boys are nearly 1, wow! good luck with the move + new adventures for your family!
Sorry for the disappointing loss! That's always a bummer. and Wow! You will be busy over the next few weeks and months. I'll be thinking of you guys! I hope the move goes smoothly and also I hope the boys have a terrific 1st birthday...don't worry, they don't know when it is so it doesn't matter if you have to postpone a few weeks or not. Just enjoy the time with them! :) and ps...I got the 1 year month-by-month frames from Pottery Barn Kids. we bought them a year ago though, so I'm not sure if they still have them or not, but it's worth a look. take care!
Sorry about the loss! OMG - the teeth!!! LOVE IT!
OMG -- Bennett does the exact same cheesy smile. So cute!!
Sorry about the loss!! :( But what a great run this year!!
Good luck with your move!
Sorry about your loss! Good luck with the move. Love those pictures of your boys. Too cute!
Happy 1st Birthday!!! Good luck with the upcoming move. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you!! Hope to see you soon:-)
Sorry for the loss!
Love the pics! Boxes are always more fun to play with.
Hey girl- we miss you:)
When you get back, go visit!
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