Yep, that's right we're going green! We have taken the plunge and are so excited about it. We made the switch to cloth diapers and have been completely "sposie" free (Josh loves when I use message board lingo) for 24 hours. They did great with their CD's last night and were leak free. It makes us feel really motivated to do this because it seems like everyone doubts that we can. I'll keep you posted how it goes. We even got a few cute ones for now and Josh is trying to talk me into ordering a Camo diaper for sure...well then I want a basketball one...this does need to save us money!!!
I'm not sure what is more shocking that we switched to CD or that the boys are already 6 months old. I'll post more on that tomorrow (they have their six month check up tomorrow), but decided to share a few pictures with you. I've been playing with my camera more and more. I really want to take a digital photography class. It would be really good for me, so we'll see.
Enjoy the pics! I'm getting better with my frequent posts, huh?? It's a really good outlet for me - taking pictures and blogging. It's one thing I've decided to make time for every day, whether it's reading friends' blogs, taking pictures or editing them. It's really helped my stress level.
Their "Official" 6 Month Picture - Don't they look like little farmers? Watch out Grandpa Hodgson - they might take over the farm on ya!!

My Play on Words...Going Green!

A diaper shot! We got these from another nestie off of Etsy - Baby Belle! They're so cute!

My little A-Train...such a curious boy he's turning into!

I love this look!!!

My little thinker. This boy is ALWAYS contemplating something. He gets more and more like his mother every day I think-poor kid!!

Getting a little creative here...a little cheesy I know, but it's my outlet, remember?

A classic B&W
Ok, first of all I LOVE the pictures!! You are a great photographer! I could learn a few things from you. :-)
And 2nd -- major kudos for you going green. You are much stronger than I am!
Your pictures are great! And glad to hear the CDing is going good so far!
Cloth Diapers.. look at you go! I think I would be too scared! Maybe it's not that bad since their poop is more solid at this age.
Great pictures. They are all really nice. Keep up the good work. I love the updates
yay for you on going green! i love the pictures, the boys just get cuter with each new month. happy 6 months!~
Great pictures! What type of software are you using to edit your pictures?
I know that blogging is a great way for me to have my time even though sometimes its at 10pm!!
congrats on going green!! I wish we did a long time ago, but we're getting closer to being out of diapers...YAY!!!
happy 6 months boys!!
OHhhhh!!! Happy 6 months! And the pictures are do a really great job! I think my girls are only about 2 weeks older than your fun! Isn't it so crazy to think that we have 6 month olds? I am loving this age. The giggles and smiles....just too cool! and wow...CD? More power to you. I know so many nesties do it, but I'm so intimidated by the whole process and have no clue how I would get my husband on board. Good for you!!!
and yea, that's another reason why our loss last weekend was so tough....Jeff and I are both OSU Alum, started dating at OSU, both still work for OSU (even if mine is only 1 day a week), have season brother and sister both went there's just in we take it pretty seriously. and it's ok, I can respect that you cheer for least it's Big Ten! :)
Yay for going green! I wish I had it together enough to do it. Great pictures. I love the thinker one.
Thank you for your support these past few days :-)
Good for you with the CD, I wish I was as brave!! I'm sure you'll do great! And quite the photographer you are becoming! I wish we could take a class together! Too bad we live something like 15-20 hours apart!!
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