Well, it's here! That much needed time off that I was longing for is here. I am at my parent's house with the boys, snowed in and enjoying every minute of it. Well, except the bad night of sleep last night from their "crazy" day of traveling yesterday. It doesn't matter, we beat the storm and now I get to have some down time and don't have to go back to Stevens Point until December 28th. I went to a basketball game last night (work), shoe shopping today (hopefully), Christmas dinner with friends tomorrow, family Christmas Sunday, shopping Monday, and my hubby gets here Tuesday! We miss daddy already (and Atlas too)!!!
Anyways, we've done a lot since the last post. Seen Santa for the very first time, added two more teeth, started crawling, graduated into their Cadilac big boy car seats and turned 9-months.
The Santa visit went well. I think the boys were too young to be scared yet. I'm not sure. Josh and I felt so bad for some parents who waited in the long line at the mall only to get up there and refuse to see Santa or cried in fear (although I think those pictures are adorable too). Then there were the parents who were fighting because mom was "forcing" Sally to sit on Santa's lap and the dad thought it was absurd. Josh and I just looked at each other and smiled and knew that our time would come soon enough, but for now we would just appreciate this special first and our little guys. So no smiles, but no cries and two babies looking at the camera equals success.
Aidan has also learned to crawl. He's not great yet, but can take two crawls before falling. He can army crawl or back crawl anywhere he wants to go, so it's only a matter of time but we can't believe how mobile they're getting. It's going to be so much fun chasing the trouble makers around the house. He also had two teeth pop through without us even really noticing. I seen two white spots during breakfast one morning and sure enough two popped through on Friday, December 12th. He's only two behind Brody...for now.
The boys have moved on to their convertible car seats. Thanks to my good friend and soon-to-be-mommy, Wendy, her cousin, and Aidan and Brody's grandparents (Wilson and Hodgson) the boys have fabulous car seats at an affordable price. Wendy's cousin was able to get us the Britax Boulevard Sutton, which retails at BRU for $320/seat for $150/seat no tax, no shipping. What's even better is our awesome parents got them for the boys for Christmas. They seem much more comfortable in the new seats, although it brings about a whole new set of challenges.

A&B also hit the big 9-months. We went for their well baby visit yesterday and they got a great report from the doc. Here were their 9-month stats.
Weight - 18 pounds, 9 ounces (25%)
Length - 28 inches long (50%)
Head Circumference - I have no idea on the measurement, but it's in the 95%!!!! What a huge melon!
Weight - 18 pounds (10-25%)
Length - 28 1/2 inches long (50%)
Head Circumference - Again, can't remember but 25%
So no 9-month pictures yet, but a few to hold you over for the time being. I hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday season and is able to enjoy their family this year...I know I am!
Our Santa Cowboy...Enjoying his first Christmas present from Josh and I

The work BFF's came over for a little Christmas exchange. We had fun and Ann and Kelly spoiled the boys (and me). Such great friends...I don't know what I'm going to do without you two next year! Don't ask me how Brody made out so well getting to sit with both of them.
Ann and Brody