Aidan LOVES carrots...I wish we could get Brody to eat them (or anything) too!

Brody was tired of throwing curve balls at the Brewer party!
Aidan LOVES carrots...I wish we could get Brody to eat them (or anything) too!
Brody was tired of throwing curve balls at the Brewer party!
Mama Shak and Ryan came later...so cute! We can't wait to meet Baby Zdroik! BTW, you don't even look pregnant...you look fabulous!!!A little later that evening hanging out...Tara and I...
Hawks and K-Dawg...
Again, why they have to match, I don't know! I did find that green Wisconsin hat for Josh though and it had a clover on it...love it since the boys were St. Patty's Day babies!
Grandma Kathy with her boys!
Look at the loot Grandma Kathy sent last week...holy cow that's A LOT of stuff!!!
Grandma Jackie keeps buying us diapers and formula every time we see her...look at the size of this can! She also helped mommy and daddy be able to afford our new Cadillac
(pics to come soon)
Look at those cute butts (thanks for the onesies Shak)!!!
Attempt #2 (Monday)Caught them before they rolled over on me
Look at those big blues!
Yes, Brody is in the laundry hamper...and not happy about it at that...
The proud parents...
Now I finally have Aidan's attention, but...Brody's still watching beach volleyball.
This is the best I could do and Brody still doesn't look very happy.
They love to hold hands. Aidan' grabs for Brody's hand every chance he gets.
Here Aidan's first bath...and look at him now!
Brody was a little peanut...now he has filled out!
Daddy and his boys both past and present.